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Played this on my channel, thought it was great, the story was deep but the game was chill

I don't know how a game can get so stuck in people's hearts but in mine at least it has succeeded, precious

Beautiful game. I greatly enjoyed the story. Lovely work.


such a good game. story was so deep and I cried at the end. loved this game so much 


This game made me cry. 10/10 experience. would recommend.


What was the code 748 for? (in the church)


This game is amazing. I wouldn't have expected how it would go in a million years.


This made me nearly cry, very pretty graphics and soothing sounds~~~

Game was amazing! (SPOILER ALERT) Although i realiced that Sara also got gaslighted, she had all the right to leave the town she disliked and planned on doing so for years with Maria, Maria never told her that she changed her plans till the last moment, nor that she became religious, there was no communication, its normal each of them went on their own life paths, so how could Sara know anything on her life if Maria didnt plan on doing so till the last moment too, Maria also had no idea of Sara's life. I felt like the end could have been different, but the game was such an artpiece.


Is there a Swedish language version? I see language in the options, but it doesn't change to anything besides English. Thanks!


The first time a free indie game has made me cry. In your face, Deltarune.

This game has put Moltvind on the map for me, and I would without a doubt by the full version of this if you were to expand it. It almost scalds the player for expecting succinct and simple answers to their detective questions; for taking the characters as NPCs. But the premium-quality of the writing makes very clear that these are human beings, not video game characters. Even though I had no control over the protagonist's past, I felt the full guilt of leaving Maria and doubting people in grief. Sara's wrongdoings are my wrongdoings.


Personally i think it's saddest game i ever played yet the one i enjoyed greatly. Great story telling about a girl learning how much she missed of being selfish. We all can learn by this game that we always need to listen and be there for others. we will never know how or when is going to be their last moments.


Really enjoyed it, interesting well made game, would love to play more.
Small quibble is i wish there was a manual save.  I guess it isn't needed with such a short game, but it's nice to have.

Hi! I'm wanting to take games made for GBJam and make them for Gameboy! Would I be able to get the assets and build for this? If possible, the GB studio project too? This would be for my own personal use :) 


It feels so emotional...The story and the soundtrack are amazing. Congrats!


I do not say this lightly - this is one of the most amazingly written games, indie or otherwise, I have ever played. I was nearly brought to tears, and that's not something that happens often... like, AT ALL. The art and music is fantastic, and the writers should be working on feature films. The fact that this is free to play is as perplexing as it is commendable, because this is premium-grade artistry. I will definitely look forward to more games from Motvind. Absolutely blown away, thank you for the experience.



I loved it <3

YES played this game live.... LOVED IT!!! Please give us more

This looks good... Ill be playing this LIVE tomorrow 1/26 around 630-7PM EST =D.

Thank you very much for making such a beautiful game! It has a great and meaningful story! But I would love to know more about the main characters' life a little bit! Btw, I still love the game so much!


This was such a beautiful story, and it was very heartwarming in way. I really enjoyed it 10/10.

Hey, do you plan to translate your game to other languages, e.g. Polish? If so, I would like to offer you my services completely free of charge. I want to become a professional translator and am currently building my translation portfolio.

If you want to help, please email me:


i went into this game thinking it was a game where you would play detective and use your smarts...god am i sad but also happy that i was wrong, because this game is an absolute gem

(;_;) great game but now I'm sad


Any trigger warnings available for this? This game looks great, but I don't know if I'm ready to play it if its about what I think it is. 

Looks stunning and hope to play it one day if not soon <3 Thanks!

I played it a while ago and it did have some suicide and religious trauma but its only spoken about nothing visual


Wow. After finishing the game I'm kind of just stunned at how beautiful and painful that was. The storyline and writing were so immersive and and art was just gorgeous. My emotions were all over the place. 


I came into this with assumptions about what the game was going to be about and related a lot to Sara and her opinions. But when I made it to the end it was such a sobering experience and so bittersweet, makes you rethink your character and everything that happened.

hi my friend i checked your game it was good ,I made a game too Alone Bird 

Hope you check it too GL


thank you for the game ;-; 


I almost cried, dammit, I love this is a very hateful way.


This is such a lovely game! Despite its breathtaking atmosphere & soothingly gorgeous soundtrack, I'm mostly left choked to tears by the writing, especially as the story unravels itself. Everything about this is beautiful!

beautiful :P

very lovely game, kinda sad, but beautiful


i loved this game so much !! the storyline and the colourings were so well thought out and beautiful 

(4 edits) (+4)






Very moving experience... Touches on lots of complicated emotions. Change, grief, life transitions, shifting relationships, growing up, sacrifice, dreams. How well we know ourselves & those close to us. Our preconceived notions vs the truth. The final conversation with Lina was really raw, affecting & impactful. Bravo to the developer for crafting such a thought-provoking & mature narrative about sensitive themes using only snippets of memory & dialogue between characters.


What a beautiful game fr.

(1 edit) (+7)(-1)


You have been warned.

I loved this game. It tells an amazing, emotional, heartbreaking story that genuinely surprised me. I fully expected Sara to ask Lina if she knew that Maria wanted to kill herself and Lina telling her "Yes.", then trying to convince her not to tell everyone and that it's best to just keep it to herself. I expected the ending, in the game sense, to be letting the player choose either to tell everyone or to just keep quiet. But instead it turns out that Sara was wrong, with everything actually making sense without any real leaps in logic.

I didn't like Sara because from the start she was overly cynical and forced a hatred of her hometown everywhere. But as the game went on it made more sense why she was like that. In her eyes Maria's parents, along with the entire town, were to blame for what happened. She thought the town's general religiousness was the reason Maria didn't want to terminate her pregnancy, even though she was repeatedly told by Maria that that was not the case. Sara blamed the town and everyone in it because she believed that the town forced her to have a baby, tying her down there and leaving her miserable. Sara could never be happy living in Härunga and because of that she couldn't believe that Maria, as her best childhood friend, was happy living in Härunga. In her eyes the town was directly responsible for Maria's death.

Her thinking was reasonable, it's easy to see where she was coming from but that doesn't make her any more likeable to me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying me disliking her is a bad thing; after all fictional characters are supposed to emulate real people and no one likes everyone. She isn't shallow as a character, that's what matters.

The story in general is amazing. Very hard hitting when it comes to emotions and it had a genuinely unforeseen twist for me. Everything falls into place. The final shot of Sara completely alone on that hill, the car even more busted up due to age, with the final song on the soundtrack creeping over the whole scene nearly brought me to tears. 

Sorry about the whole story half-retelling, I'm just not used to expressing how I feel about games in this way and I don't know how to quite put it into words. I suppose a generic statement like "It really is an amazing experience, very well put together. Kudos to everyone who worked on this, it really is fantastic." will have to do.



i will never forget this storyline. The game is beautiful, the art is deeply touching. everything about it is good, the music the pixel art, the script... Great work here!

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