Odlična igrica, tema i koncept je odličan isto, veoma tužna igrica sa tužnom pričom, nisam očekivao takav završetak, bilo je odlično i svima preporučujem ovu igricu da igraju, sretno daljnoj gradnji!
Hello there! Would you be interested in localizing the game into Spanish some day? <3 I know some folks that would really appreciate it, and I've seen that you already thought of adding language translation options :)
P.S.: I'm having tears just with the intro... wow. So many LiS vibes!!
the artstyle is amazing! it's a 2D Pixelart game but with realistic shaders, bloom and reflections. Great! The Story is also pretty damn good. Love it!
This game was beautiful but also heart-wrenching. I thought the same things as Sara the whole way. I even cried at the end, seeing Sara sit alone on the car just seems so sad. To summarize, this game was amazing to play and I highly recommend playing it.
Hi, there is a little error at the run.sh script for linux, it tries to launch HWKWA_Linux_x86.x86 but the file name is HOWWEKNOWWEREALIVE_Linux_x86.x86. Though it's easy to fix, it doesn't work out of the box with itch application.
Absolutely Loved everything about this game it told such A wonderful story while also teaching a valuable Lesson. I dare Anyone to try to play this game and not get emotional at the end lol Anyways Keep Up The Great Work !!!
absolutely stunning game. beautiful visuals, heartwrenchingly-realistic dialogue, wonderful music, good pacing. congrats, you should be proud of yourselves on this piece of art.
Just finished the game and now I'm crying. I started playing thinking it would be a cute story about someone understanding they're really alive, but it was a really sad trajectory - the main character blaming the christian town while the real reason for the fatality to happen was the pure fate.
Are you planning on translating the game to other languages? If so, I could do it in Portuguese :)
Absolutely wonderful game. It's short, but packs a punch. This is what video games were meant to be. Pieces of art. And this is truly a work of art in digital form. Excellent job!!
Parece buen juego y digo parece porque esta en ingles, no se mucho ingles y por lo que veo lo mas importante del juego es la historia, lo único que si puedo decir es que el pixel art es hermoso, aunque eso se nota con las imágenes que pusieron. Solo espero que algún día lo traduzcan al español
Love everything about it! Brought back memories of living in Sweden about 9 years ago...Systembolaget sparked my memory - I love this game and Sweden <3
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Is there any way to put the dialogues in Spanish?
That was beautiful, thank you so much for sharing it with us <3
I loved the art, the plot, the music and the humanity of each character.
If you want to lisen it in spanish, i translated it in my chanel / Si quieren escuchar el juego en español, lo traduje en mi canal.
please translate the game into portuguese, so you will have even more players
Odlična igrica, tema i koncept je odličan isto, veoma tužna igrica sa tužnom pričom, nisam očekivao takav završetak, bilo je odlično i svima preporučujem ovu igricu da igraju, sretno daljnoj gradnji!
Hello there! Would you be interested in localizing the game into Spanish some day? <3 I know some folks that would really appreciate it, and I've seen that you already thought of adding language translation options :)
P.S.: I'm having tears just with the intro... wow. So many LiS vibes!!
I loved iT! it was amazing! Reminds me of the classic games
bruh this reminds me of life is strange and its so.. tear-jerking ;_;
the artstyle is amazing! it's a 2D Pixelart game but with realistic shaders, bloom and reflections. Great! The Story is also pretty damn good. Love it!
This game was beautiful but also heart-wrenching. I thought the same things as Sara the whole way. I even cried at the end, seeing Sara sit alone on the car just seems so sad. To summarize, this game was amazing to play and I highly recommend playing it.
Hi, there is a little error at the run.sh script for linux, it tries to launch HWKWA_Linux_x86.x86 but the file name is HOWWEKNOWWEREALIVE_Linux_x86.x86. Though it's easy to fix, it doesn't work out of the box with itch application.
It looks great and I love the atmosphere, but it's very glitchy and my character disappears constantly, which kind of takes away the immersion.
Edit: It seems like for some reason my controller was causing the issue. Amazing game! I look forward to your future projects.
how do i play the game? i pressed download and it's in my files but what do i do after that?
Extract the file using a file extractor or one already in your computer. Then open the file and inside click on the icon. Then you're good.
Windows is preventing it from running on my laptop (windows 10)
Anyone got any idea's on how to fix this?
edit: Im just going to run it like usual. Hope i dont get hacked :))
absolutely stunning game. beautiful visuals, heartwrenchingly-realistic dialogue, wonderful music, good pacing. congrats, you should be proud of yourselves on this piece of art.
Really good game.
-Smooth Animations
-Great pixel art
One of the best pixel games i played :)
I love the art of this game, and it made me think a lot, maybe even learned a life lesson
it's pretty good, the plot twist was actually wholesome. I'm really tearing up
Really good game. Loved the art style, the music and also the story.
Crashed my Linux but looking at the video, it's probably an great experience!
Absolutely beautiful game
I loved the game
I really enjoyed it. The music was excellent. It was refreshingly simple yet ultimately surprised me.
Just finished the game and now I'm crying. I started playing thinking it would be a cute story about someone understanding they're really alive, but it was a really sad trajectory - the main character blaming the christian town while the real reason for the fatality to happen was the pure fate.
Are you planning on translating the game to other languages? If so, I could do it in Portuguese :)
amazing game! we're waiting for a special sequel! ♥️
The game is amazing and so beautiful too. <3
Loved it . Good job
Such a good story. It really captures a feeling of sadness well.
ni borde göra en futsätnig på det spelat
Absolutely wonderful game. It's short, but packs a punch. This is what video games were meant to be. Pieces of art. And this is truly a work of art in digital form. Excellent job!!
Parece buen juego y digo parece porque esta en ingles, no se mucho ingles y por lo que veo lo mas importante del juego es la historia, lo único que si puedo decir es que el pixel art es hermoso, aunque eso se nota con las imágenes que pusieron. Solo espero que algún día lo traduzcan al español
nice project! are you planning to put even more content into the game?
Was an Awesome Experience....Great Work!!👍
gostaria de saber se está disponível em portugês também
Não, só inglês.
eu to desde o inicio do lançamento esperando a em portugues
Love everything about it! Brought back memories of living in Sweden about 9 years ago...Systembolaget sparked my memory - I love this game and Sweden <3